Town of Guadalupe Dental Benefits

Information on the Town of Guadalupe dental plans, provider links and helpful forms.

Delta Dental

Arizona Metropolitan Trust’s


Although AzMT does contract with Delta Dental of Arizona for their dental provider network (which can be confusing), your benefits provider is AzMT.

A deductible is the amount of dental expenses you are responsible for paying before your insurance starts covering you. A common deductible is $50 per person — this means you would be responsible for paying the first $50 in dental treatment expenses before receiving dental coverage. (Please note under the AzMT dental plan, preventive care, which includes routine oral examination and cleanings, is payable at 100% and does not require satisfaction of the deductible.)

Coinsurance is the cost of a dental service that you are responsible for paying after satisfaction of the annual deductible. Coinsurance is expressed as a percentage. For example, many dental insurance plans have 20% coinsurance for restorative care and extractions and a 50% coinsurance for major services such as crowns, bridges, dentures and orthodontics.

An out-of-pocket expense is any cost you have to pay yourself when receiving dental care. This includes your deductible and coinsurance.

The AzMT dental plan allows for two (2) cleanings per benefit year (Jul 01 – Jun 30).

Orthodontia benefits are provided for adults and children. Benefits are subject to 50% coinsurance up to a maximum payable per lifetime of $2,000.

Yes. AzMT offers two dental plans that employers may offer to their employees, each with a different annual maximum limit. Refer to the Dental Summary to determine the limit applicable to the plans offered by your employer.

An EOB is a statement which lists the codes of the procedures performed, along with the date of service, amount billed, discount amount (if any), and the amounts payable by the insurance company and the patient.

To receive the greatest benefit, you should utilize a Delta Dental of AZ network provider, however, the plan does provide for out-of-network benefits at a lower reimbursement level.

You can visit any licensed dentist anywhere in the world for your dental care. Prior to receiving dental care out-of-country it is recommended that you contact Delta Dental at (800) 352-6132 to request the information needed to process out-of-country dental billings.

Dental services that are immediately required to relieve pain, swelling or bleeding, or required to avoid jeopardizing the patient’s health qualifies as a dental emergency.

You may contact Delta Dental of Arizona at (800) 352-6132.

The AzMT benefit plans include a benefit appeal process that is included in the Summary Plan Description (SPD) booklets, which are available through your Human Resources Department, and also on this website (see Plan Provisions).

You can request replacement cards by calling Delta at (800) 352-6132.

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